Outsourced railway gate line staff strike for equal pay and conditions

“We need a political revolution” said one striking Carlisle Support Services (CSS) RMT member when discussing whether a Labour victory at the general election would change things for outsourced rail workers like them. Iain Dalton, Leeds Socialist Party “Will they bring workers like us back in-house?” questioned one picket. “Will they scrap zero hour contracts?”…

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Rally against union busting Drax

Over the last week the employers have upped the ante against Unite in the ongoing dispute involving catering workers employed at Drax by Baxter-Storey. Iain Dalton, Leeds Socialist Party Whilst Baxter-Storey are still supposed to be negotiating voluntary recognition of Unite, Drax have banned the workers Unite Regional Officer from site as well as banning…

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Dewsbury demonstrates against renewed onslaught on Gaza

The support for Palestine in Dewsbury was strong this Saturday. 150 people turned out to express their solidarity and frustration. In Dewsbury, the speakers ranged from children reading poetry, prayers being led and political speeches. Many raised the inhumane response from both the Conservatives and Labour on this issue, and putting pressure on local councillors…

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