The support for Palestine in Dewsbury was strong this Saturday. 150 people turned out to express their solidarity and frustration.
In Dewsbury, the speakers ranged from children reading poetry, prayers being led and political speeches. Many raised the inhumane response from both the Conservatives and Labour on this issue, and putting pressure on local councillors and MPs was talked about.

When Iain Dalton, Yorkshire regional secretary of the Socialist Party spoke, he discussed developing a new mass worker’s party that could represent the people on this issue. Afterwards, people wanted to discuss this and the possibility of standing candidates in an election. Many left wanting to learn more about TUSC.
The desire for change was palpable, and many people took our leaflets and placards, and bought our paper and badges. Even in a small town on a freezing cold day on the other side of the world, people will turn out to show their solidarity with Palestine – and are looking for ways to change the system that is letting this genocide happen.
Cas Middlemas