Leeds Elections 2018 – Local austerity measures limit Labour gains

For national commentary on the election results, see http://www.socialistparty.org.uk/articles/27313/06-05-2018/local-election-results-are-a-major-warning-sign-for-labour This year’s council elections in Leeds were not too far off the national picture of limited changes, with Labour as well as the Tories increasing their seats. Although an election to Leeds City Council, in the context of the Windrush scandal and the Blairite smears against…

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A critique of the Leeds Labour Manifesto 2018

Last year’s launch by Jeremy Corbyn of Labour’s general election manifesto dramatically changed the shape of that election. With radical policies including renationalisation of public services, a £10/hr minimum wage and free education, it inspired millions, especially young people who turned out to rallies in their thousands. In council leader Judith Blake’s introduction to the…

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