Ambulance works take further action over pay and staffing levels

Socialist Party members in West Yorkshire visited Unison picket lines at Wakefield Ambulance station, Richmond Hill Ambulance station in Leeds and Yorkshire Ambulance Service headquarters as they took their second round of 12 hour strike action on 23rd January. Iain Dalton, Socialist Party Yorkshire secretary Across the picket lines we visited there was a growing…

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Week long Unison strike at Leeds University after 25% salary losses against inflation

“Is it really that terrible?” were the words of Leeds University Vice Chancellor Simone Buitendijk to students occupying her office a month ago in response to questions about the pay and conditions of university workers. Iain Dalton, Leeds Socialist Party It was also the headline on the leaflet Unison members were handing out explaining why…

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Leeds City Council in danger of bankruptcy – How the trade union movement should fight back

The Covid-19 crisis has pushed councils up and down the country into a new financial crisis. The Centre for Progressive Policy thinktank expects eight out of ten tier-one local authorities to face the threat of bankruptcy. Labour-led Leeds City Council is the biggest of the councils to publicly raise this possibility. Iain Dalton, Leeds Socialist…

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