Dewsbury demonstrates against renewed onslaught on Gaza

The support for Palestine in Dewsbury was strong this Saturday. 150 people turned out to express their solidarity and frustration. In Dewsbury, the speakers ranged from children reading poetry, prayers being led and political speeches. Many raised the inhumane response from both the Conservatives and Labour on this issue, and putting pressure on local councillors…

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Protests across West Yorkshire keep up pressure against war on Gaza

4/11/23 – Leeds – ‘we expect better’ Through the weekly demonstrations, the focus has moved to Labour and Keir Starmer. “We expect better”, a speaker said. And the political awareness of demonstrators is growing as the demos go on. People are realising that Labour does not represent the working class anymore. Mentions of socialism are…

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Socially distanced G7 protest threatened by police and security staff

A socially distanced protest calling for global justice, aimed at the G7 meeting in Cornwall took an unexpected turn on Friday 11th June. Kevin Pattison, Vice President, Leeds Trades Council & Leeds Socialist Party As we gathered on the Parkinson Steps, the usual place for demonstrations at Leeds University, we were met by police and security…

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