Rally against union busting Drax

Supporting striking Unite members at Drax – photo Iain Dalton

Over the last week the employers have upped the ante against Unite in the ongoing dispute involving catering workers employed at Drax by Baxter-Storey.

Iain Dalton, Leeds Socialist Party

Whilst Baxter-Storey are still supposed to be negotiating voluntary recognition of Unite, Drax have banned the workers Unite Regional Officer from site as well as banning the Baxter-Storey employees from holding workplace meetings.

Settling the core issue of the dispute, paying £1 an hour pay increase, would cost just £30,628. This would be barely a dent in either companies profits, with Drax making £731m profit last financial year, whilst Baxter-Storey made £27m.

In response trade unionists and climate activists from Leeds, York and South Yorkshire, including Socialist Party members, joined the picket line for a rally on Tuesday 30th January.

The resolve of the workers remains clear chanting on the picket line “How long are we prepared to keep fighting? As long as it takes!”

After 26 days of strike action so far, there were discussions of how to follow up the current fortnight of strike action to escalate the pressure on the company, as it seems clear with Drax’s union busting stance that further action will remain necessary.

Union branches can assist by supporting the strike fund

Donations can be made to:

Sort Code: 60 83 01

Account No: 20173962

Account Name: Unite North East Region 1% Fund

Reference: BaxterStorey

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