Solidarity with RoyalMail workers fight for an inflation-proof pay rise

Socialist Party members visited half a dozen picket lines across Leeds as CWU members at Royal Mail began strike action on Friday 26th August.

Iain Dalton reported that at both the Leeds Mail Centre and Hunslet delivery office pickets pointed out the hypocrisy of Royal Mail management in claiming to have no money but then asting money hiring extra vans that are not being used.

Pickets at Seacroft moved from outside their office to the nearby ring road where they received many toots of horns in support from passing traffic

Oisin Duncan reported that the 20 or so pickets at Sheepscar warmly received the Socialist Party strike bulletin and had some playing the guitar to prove entertainment.

Izabelle Grant reported that pickets told her that they had accepted the extras pressures during the pandemic but now management were seeking to turn that into a new normal.

One rep texted us later in the day “Thankyou for the pic and showing your support and solidarity this morning at my office and for doing the rounds showing same around our neighbouring offices.

Much appreciated man✊”

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