Over the course of a week, drivers across 16 train operating companies have taken rolling action. Socialist Party members in Leeds have joined picket lines staff almost a week apart in this action.
Iain Dalton, Leeds Socialist Party
Drivers were angry at stories in the press about their pay being over £65,000 a year. As they explained, this is only for drivers at the top of some pay scales, but that driving trains is a well paid job is a result both of the skill and safety responsibilities involved, but also that drivers have organised to ensure they get their share of the wealth their work generates.
One driver commented that this was the first time he could think of that the RMT have settled over pay before ASLEF. Drivers were clear that they felt they couldn’t accept a pay offer that included attacks on hard won terms and conditions in their contracts, as has so far been offered.
Drivers were fully prepared to take more action if necessary in the new year. If that’s necessary, then Socialist Party members will continue to stand with them on the picket line.