Dewsbury demonstrates against renewed onslaught on Gaza

The support for Palestine in Dewsbury was strong this Saturday. 150 people turned out to express their solidarity and frustration. In Dewsbury, the speakers ranged from children reading poetry, prayers being led and political speeches. Many raised the inhumane response from both the Conservatives and Labour on this issue, and putting pressure on local councillors…

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Anti-cuts campaigners march from Batley to Dewsbury

To chants of “Cutback, fightback” and “Kirklees Council, shame on you” campaigners marched from Batley to Dewsbury to highlight the savage cuts being carried through by the council. Iain Dalton, Socialist Party Yorkshire Secretary With a £47m hole in their finances for next year, the last few months have seen more and more announcements of…

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Dewsbury: Fighting Kirklees council cuts

Over the weeks of campaigns the scale of the cuts has seemed to get worse, with arms-length leisure service providers ‘Kirklees Active Leisure’ now guaranteeing to keep only Huddersfield and Spen Valley leisure centres open. This time last year it ran 13 centres across Kirklees! On our first stall we found that many people were…

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