Obituary: Dean Meehan 1962-2015


Dean Meehan (1962-2015)

Socialist Party members were shocked to learn of the death of Dean Meehan at the age of 53.

Due to ill-health Dean was never as active as he would have liked, undoubtedly a source of frustration to him as he seemed to comment every time we spoke. He was passionate about a whole number of issues from the plight of the Palestinians to the bedroom tax closer to home.

He was very proud to have stood for TUSC in his ward of Kirkstall in the May 2015 elections, backed by his union the RMT, winning one of the best TUSC council votes in the city. He was enthusiastic about the campaign and, though nervous, was an incredibly good first time public speaker on renationalising the railways at our general election campaign rally.

He will be missed by all the comrades who have met him and our condolensces go to his wife, Angela and his other family members.

Iain Dalton

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