Notre Dame strikers stand firm for increased sixth form funding

NEU members at Notre Dame sixth form, along with 33 other sixth form colleges across the UK took further strike action in their ongoing dispute over funding for the sector and pay, with this being the 4th strike day at Notre Dame.

Iain Dalton, Leeds Socialist Party

The cuts in the sector have been substantial over the last decade, with 15 per cent less teachers andfunding cut in real terms by 22%.

This has had a knock on effect in terms of provision, with 81% of sixth form colleges teaching students in larger class sizes and 51% of a-level provides dropping courses in modern foreign languages.

The mood on the picket line at Notre Dame was good, with around a dozen staff joining the picket. They were planning to join the national lobby of parliament called by the NEU on thre next strike day, 27th February, and then on 10th March link up with striking academic staff in UCU at Leeds Uni.

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