Leeds TUC organised a successful anti-austerity conference on Saturday 24th November.
Kevin Pattison, Leeds TUC Vice-President
It is part of our campaign to show the damage austerity is doing to local services, and to raise alternatives.
We started with reports from groups affected by austerity
Fearnville Fields – succesful campaign to save playing fields
DEAL (Disability Empowerment Action Links) reported on their successful struggle to keep funded transport for teenagers with disabilities and Special Educational Needs
KONP – Keep our NHS Public discussed the attacks on the NHS
RMT John Stewart, Branch Secretary reported on 37 days of strike action to retain guards, or as he explained “the importance of a second safety trained person on every train”.
The meeting then discussed council funding and alternatives to austerity. Leeds TUC see this as the start of the discussion as we expect Leeds City Council draft budget to be produced in December.
Because of the government’s reduction in revenue support grant many councils will be under severe financial pressures.
Leeds TUC will continue to organise campaigns to resist cuts which will damage working class communities