Leeds TUC conference discusses fight against austerity in our city

Leeds TUC organised a successful anti-austerity conference on Saturday 24th November. Kevin Pattison, Leeds TUC Vice-President It is part of our campaign to show the damage austerity is doing to local services, and to raise alternatives. We started with reports from groups affected by austerity Fearnville Fields – succesful campaign to save playing fields DEAL…

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Victory for Save Fearnville Fields as council set to retreat

After over 2000 signatures on a petition, 4000 leaflets delivered, 69% opposition to the consultation Labour run Leeds City Council appear to have finally retreated in the face of mass community opposition to the the plans to build on Fearnville playing fields.. Tanis Belsham-Wray, Save Fearnville Fields campaign & Leeds Socialist Party branch secretary Over…

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