Car Cavalcade Protest Highlights Reckless Re-Opening of Schools

Half a dozen cars and one cyclist took part in a car cavalcade co-sponsored by Leeds TUC this Thursday to highlight the reckless plans by the government for wider re-opening of schools. Leeds Socialist Party members joined the car cavalcade with our own posters and those of Leeds TUC which states ‘put workplace safety under workers control’.

Iain Dalton, Leeds Socialist Party

The challenged the ‘pass the buck’ attitude of Leeds City Council whose public comments on the issue recognise issues like lack of PPE, track and trace systems not being fully in place, too high rates of Covid-19 locally and nationally, but have said they will support the decision of schools, rather than giving a lead on not reopening on June 1st like other local authorities like Sheffield and Calderdale have.

The protest received coverage from local newspaper the Yorkshire Evening Post, plus shouts in support from passers-by, particularly in Harehills. With many schools not reopening this Sunday under pressure from trade unions and parents, this protest will need to be repeated over the coming weeks to continue help organise those who are prepared to fight been forced to return to unsafe workplaces.

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