Drax workers walk out over pay cut

Hundreds of workers ar Drax Power Station, near Selby, joined a series of national walk outs over the refusal of the Engineering Construction Industry Assocation (ECIA) employers to re-open talks over pay following skyrocketing inflation. Iain Dalton, Leeds Socialist Party A two year deal was agreed for NAECI (National Agreement for Engineering Construction Industry) sites…

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Week long Unison strike at Leeds University after 25% salary losses against inflation

“Is it really that terrible?” were the words of Leeds University Vice Chancellor Simone Buitendijk to students occupying her office a month ago in response to questions about the pay and conditions of university workers. Iain Dalton, Leeds Socialist Party It was also the headline on the leaflet Unison members were handing out explaining why…

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UCU strike determined to defeat employer bodies at Leeds Uni & Trinity

Well over 100 strikers and supporters rallied at Leeds Uni on the fifth day of strike action. Both Leeds Trinity and Leeds University have been taking part in the Margaret round of strike action over the #FourFights on pay, inequality, workload and casualisation with Leeds Uni also been part of the USS pension scheme dispute…

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Junior Doctors Strike to Defend the NHS

Well over a hundred of Junior Doctors picketed the two main hospitals in Leeds, St James’s and the Leeds General Infirmary. Pickets were angry, especially over the insinuation that they’re lazy which the media had been stirring over the past few days. One doctor told me how he was often staying late and starting early…

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