Women’s Lives Matter national meeting – a determination to fight cuts to domestic violence services

Congratulations to Women’s Lives Matter for organising a brilliant first national meeting. People from around the UK attended and brought with them a wealth of experience, ideas and proposals. Heather Rawling Sinead Daly, CEO of Dundee and Angus Women’s Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre, opened the meeting by saying that we shouldn’t have to have…

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Leeds TUC conference discusses fight against austerity in our city

Leeds TUC organised a successful anti-austerity conference on Saturday 24th November. Kevin Pattison, Leeds TUC Vice-President It is part of our campaign to show the damage austerity is doing to local services, and to raise alternatives. We started with reports from groups affected by austerity Fearnville Fields – succesful campaign to save playing fields DEAL…

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Public show 100% opposition to removing or downgrading Northern Rail guards

Socialist Students and the Socialist Party held a public vote at the RMT’s picket line at Leeds station this Saturday, which graphically demonstrated public support for striking RMT workers on Northern Rail. Lots of people were keen to get involved and show their support for the striking workers in their struggle against DOO – Driver…

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They Cut Back & Privatise, We Fight Back & Organise – Women’s Lives Matter launched in Leeds

After it was reported by Labour MP, Harriet Harman, that services protecting women against domestic violence in Leeds have been cut by 59%, a public meeting was called to launch Women’s Lives Matter in Leeds. Members of Leeds Socialist Party have been actively supporting Women’s Live Matter campaign in Doncaster against the cuts to funding…

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School SEND transport cuts – parents say NO DEAL!

Leeds City Council has made the decision to withdraw escorted transport funding for young people aged 16+ with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).  Parents (organised through ‘Disability Empowerment Action Links’ (DEAL) and students, alongside Unite Community members, gathered on the steps of Leeds Town Hall to protest against the withdrawal of this service, which…

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Capitalism Exacerbates Flooding

The flooding this Christmas has been some of the worst in recent memory. Significant parts of the North of England have suffered severe flooding, including Manchester, Cumbria, Leeds, Calderdale and York. Bridges have been washed away with some communities totally cut off. Iain Dalton, Leeds Socialist Party Fingers are rightly being pointed to the cuts…

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