
Northern health campaigns conference discusses the fightback

Around 150 delegates crowded into the first and very successful Health Campaigns Together northern conference held in Leeds on 20 January. Almost 30 active campaign groups were represented from Leicester to Liverpool and Newcastle. Mike Forster, Health Campaigns Together vice chair (personal capacity) Instead of numerous platform speakers, we invited each region to share their…

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Victory for Save Fearnville Fields as council set to retreat

After over 2000 signatures on a petition, 4000 leaflets delivered, 69% opposition to the consultation Labour run Leeds City Council appear to have finally retreated in the face of mass community opposition to the the plans to build on Fearnville playing fields.. Tanis Belsham-Wray, Save Fearnville Fields campaign & Leeds Socialist Party branch secretary Over…

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Hundreds turn up to hear John McDonnell speak in Leeds

Hundreds crammed into the meeting hall at the Barnbow pub in Crossgates, East Leeds to hear Labour Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell speak at a meeting organised by left-wing Leeds East MP, Richard Burgon. Iain Dalton, Socialist Party member in Leeds East constituency Burgon opened the meeting with a short contribution, commenting that there was nowhere…

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We Need Fighting Students Unions

‘So what does the student’s union do again?’ – A question being asked far too often by students. Despite the good intentions of most officers and staff, students unions nationally are falling short for students. Amy Cousens, Leeds Beckett Socialist Students President & Leeds Beckett SU Women’s Officer For many students, unions have become bars…

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Usdaw Lobbies Leeds City Council Over Sunday Trading

On Wednesday 13th January, a deputation from the Leeds Private Trades branch of Usdaw lobbied Leeds City Council, calling on them to oppose the government’s de-regulation of Sunday trading. Iain Dalton, Usdaw Leeds Private Trades branch vice-chair (personal capacity) The government proposes to hand powers limiting the length of sunday trading (currently 6 hours for…

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Junior Doctors Strike to Defend the NHS

Well over a hundred of Junior Doctors picketed the two main hospitals in Leeds, St James’s and the Leeds General Infirmary. Pickets were angry, especially over the insinuation that they’re lazy which the media had been stirring over the past few days. One doctor told me how he was often staying late and starting early…

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Capitalism Exacerbates Flooding

The flooding this Christmas has been some of the worst in recent memory. Significant parts of the North of England have suffered severe flooding, including Manchester, Cumbria, Leeds, Calderdale and York. Bridges have been washed away with some communities totally cut off. Iain Dalton, Leeds Socialist Party Fingers are rightly being pointed to the cuts…

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