Socially distanced G7 protest threatened by police and security staff

A socially distanced protest calling for global justice, aimed at the G7 meeting in Cornwall took an unexpected turn on Friday 11th June. Kevin Pattison, Vice President, Leeds Trades Council & Leeds Socialist Party As we gathered on the Parkinson Steps, the usual place for demonstrations at Leeds University, we were met by police and security…

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Rally in Leeds to ‘Block the Bill’

Leeds Socialist Party joined around 400 people on Sunday at a demonstration against the government’s new police bill. The bill represents a significant attack on the right to protest and the mood among the largely young protesters was determined and angry.  James Ellis, Leeds Socialist Party The Socialist Party gave out over 300 leaflets, sold…

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Covid law used against striking workers – for workers’ control of safety measures

On the very first day of the new national lockdown, police issued dispersal orders to a picket line of striking workers, on the grounds of breaching the new rules. Iain Dalton, Leeds Socialist Party Unite members at Optare in Sherburn-in-Elmet have been social distancing and wearing masks, in contrast to contractors the company employs, who…

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