Anger at Leeds’ Labour council as workers lobby to defend jobs and conditions

Not one, but two groups of workers held lobbies of Leeds City Council at its March meeting on 23rd March. Iain Dalton, Leeds Socialist Party Unite and GMB members gathered to lobby councillors and hand in a petition against the energy-to-waste facility being constructed by Hitachi Zosen Inova outside the National Agreement for the Engineering…

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A critique of the Leeds Labour Manifesto 2018

Last year’s launch by Jeremy Corbyn of Labour’s general election manifesto dramatically changed the shape of that election. With radical policies including renationalisation of public services, a £10/hr minimum wage and free education, it inspired millions, especially young people who turned out to rallies in their thousands. In council leader Judith Blake’s introduction to the…

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Hundreds turn up to hear John McDonnell speak in Leeds

Hundreds crammed into the meeting hall at the Barnbow pub in Crossgates, East Leeds to hear Labour Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell speak at a meeting organised by left-wing Leeds East MP, Richard Burgon. Iain Dalton, Socialist Party member in Leeds East constituency Burgon opened the meeting with a short contribution, commenting that there was nowhere…

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Usdaw Lobbies Leeds City Council Over Sunday Trading

On Wednesday 13th January, a deputation from the Leeds Private Trades branch of Usdaw lobbied Leeds City Council, calling on them to oppose the government’s de-regulation of Sunday trading. Iain Dalton, Usdaw Leeds Private Trades branch vice-chair (personal capacity) The government proposes to hand powers limiting the length of sunday trading (currently 6 hours for…

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